Monday, April 2, 2018 -- The low bands certainly leave room for improvement. The JA broadcast station at 3925 kHz was better than 10/9 this morning. I still could not copy Hat, JA6BJT at 20 min. before my sunrise. I did hear Abe, JA1MSS 58 at 2 min. past sunrise. Yesterday Dave, ZL2OK/P was 58 just before sunrise; however, he is usually 10/9 from the beach. More & more activity is shifting to FT8 digital mode ... the "joyless" way of computers talking to each other via radio, instead of the Internet.
Monday, April 9 -- Heard Abe, JA1MSS strong at 1054Z but he did not hear me calling. Maybe the radar was beaming his way. The band was unusually quiet, but no DX present.
Tuesday, April 10 -- Band strong, but heavy QRN in Panama, 20/9 crashes. I did manage to work JQ2SIX, JA1MSS, and JH4CES with good reports for me...terrible reports for them due to noise.