MUF - Sunlight

Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday - 18 November 2019

Sunrise surprise!  Kazu, JA4HCG was still coming in 58 at 25 minutes after sunrise.  He gave me a 59 which was even more surprising so late in my day.  The guys that were here working the CQ WW SSB contest reported some late 75m DX three weeks you never know!

I could still hear Kazu talking 45 minutes after sunrise.  Strange is normal on 75m.  de HP3AK, 73

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday 12 Nov 2019

You snooze, you loose!  75 m is still poor and noisy part of the time.  However, this morning and a couple of mornings the past week it has been relatively quiet and open to VK & JA.  I worked Peter, VK6APZ before his sunset today 57-58, and Kazu, JA4HCG at sunrise yesterday.  I was 37 with Kazu at 2 min. before my sunrise and 59 three min. later!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Some DX Activity

Sunday, 10-20-19 --
Well, some DX recently. VK9NC (Norfolk Is.) on 3799 this morning and VK9NE yesterday on 40 and a couple of days ago on 75m.  Rare TX station, W9UCW was heard on 75m this am.
On 10-7 worked ZK3A (Tokelau Is.) on 75 ssb. 10-4 worked ZK3A on 160m FT8 (still the joyless mode).
So beginning to get a little activity and interest....stay tuned.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

He's baaack ...almost!

Sunday, July 7, 2019
Well, Barry, W9UCW is back on 3796 ... sometimes.  He has been around mostly on the days when there is no DX.  Wait ... that's most days!  We can depend on Bobby, K7FX to show up and Phil, W6UC has been on the band more lately.

Now if we could just get some DX interested.  ZL1ICU has been heard on 3796 calling CQ DX, but he is very weak and he apparently receives the same.  Some of our old JA friends show up from time to time, and a few VK / ZL regulars, but generally it is quiet in the Pacific in the mornings. There has also been some activity by the LU stations on 3799, but not strong here.

I do not generally get on the band in the evenings for 3 good reasons:  

  1.  I am usually headed off to bed by an hour after my sunset  
  2.  I don't want to have to compete with the long-winded and persistent big guns on the East Coast
  3.  Most of the Europeans are working in groups and usually have several stations that are too weak to hear through the QRN --- just too difficult

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  I'll see you on 3796 if you have "leather eardrums" and unlimited patience.

73, HP3AK "Real DX"

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Heard from W9UCW

I got a brief email from Barry, W9UCW today.  He has been listening some of late but not heard much.  No surprise, as there has been a dearth of activity on 75m SSB for months.

I have been sick with a bad chest cold for 3-1/2 weeks and sleeping in, when I can sleep at all.  I did manage to work one or two JA stations on 160m FT8 at my sunrise a few days ago.

I will be back at my post, calling and listening on 3.796 in the early mornings as soon as I feel better.  73 all....