MUF - Sunlight

Sunday, August 22, 2021

You Snooze, You Lose

 Well, you never know about 75m.  Bobby, K7FX worked 3 JA stations and ZL2OK from 1050-1105Z on Firday, 8/20.  I worked 4 JA stations and 2 VK stations from 1040 - 1122Z (sunrise) on Saturday, 8/21.  Too much QRN today (Sunday), so worked a couple of W7 area stations on 160m FT8 (the no joy mode).

I'm "keeping the light on" for Barry & Linda to show up some morning.  I really doubt that Linda will be thrilled by all of the noise and few signals in the 75m DX window at sunrise.

I am looking forward to seeing the "really, really big" 6m moon-bounce station at W6UC in October. I need to check the position of the moon on the days that I will be visiting.

73, Jay, HP3AK (K1YJ/mobile 9/27 thru 10/11)

Monday, August 16, 2021

Welcome Back ... Almost

 I talked with Barry, W9UCW and met Linda, W5TRV on 20 meters a couple of days ago.  Linda is coming up to speed on HF operating.  Linda has changed her QRZ page to reflect her new last name and new location. (Map coordinates are old).

They intend to get up early to be on 3.796 MHz to sometimes enjoy the steady diet of heavy static with me and Bobby and occasionally, "the terror of 6m moon bounce", Phil.

I have been sleeping in and not on 75m much.  On the mornings that I have been on before sunrise, I have only managed ZL or VK or JA a few times.  There was a HL on 2 or 3 weeks ago, but he could only hear K7FX.

With the increase of thunderstorms in the U.S. and Central America I am wondering if we will ever hear 75m become quiet and propagation well above the noise level again.

I plan to be mobile between 28 September  and  12 October as K1YJ, my U.S. call sign. Mostly on 20 m with 20 watts.  If you are still reading this, please comment or post a new message. Thanks, Jay, HP3AK

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

My Turn in the Hole

Well, my turn in the black hole of propagation.  I heard K7FX work HL5FUA on 3796 this morning at 1105Z.  However, I called Choi many times and he simply could not hear me. 😒  This doesn't happen often often with a kw and 3 element phased array!

Some good news from Barry, W9UCW.  He is now married again after the loss of his wonderful wife Joyce.  His new bride Linda is also a ham, W5TRV.  Congratulations to both of them.  Now, we just need him to put some SWR grease on his antennas and get back on the air.

I am (still) in the process of rebuilding my operating console after a complete tear down and cleaning.  I am maybe 85% finished.  I am able to operate the new (for me) Anan 100D and the ALS-1306 amp with all antennas again. The Icom 756 P3 is also operational.  I still need to untangle all of the complicated wiring for the old Angelia board, outboard 50 watt amp and the many sma relays required to make it work. The 3 Drake l-4B amps are still not connected. I also need to rebuild my ground bus for all of the equipment.

73 for now, Jay, HP3AK 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Barry, W9UCW, Rare Texas DX

 A rare sighting of TX DX -- I talked briefly with Barry on 3.796 yesterday.  He is doing well but very busy still.  When you are old like us it is more difficult to get your day started before sunrise.

I hope that Barry, and the rest of the crew will be more regular on 75m in the mornings.  I talked briefly with Taka, JQ2SIX this morning at 1053Z.  Not strong but signals were 47 both ways. 

73 from Panama.  HP3AK