MUF - Sunlight

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Different every Day

 75m DX is different every day.  The path to VK / ZL has been getting better lately.  Stu, ZL2XC was 5x9 this morning. ZL2OK was 10/9 on September 5.

We were joined by Barry, W9UCW yesterday.  He managed to workd JH4CES who is on 3796 almost every morning.  I could not copy Taki well enough to work him.  We also contacted VK6IR and VK3IO who were both S7 in Panama.

I retuned my 3 delta loops recently.  No change in operation, just lower SWR and lower return power from the 90 degree hybrid. My repair of the Ameritron ALS-1306 is holding up even though there is a small imbalance between the two amplifier boards.

73 for now, Jay, HP3AK