MUF - Sunlight

Monday, January 15, 2018

Hope Springs Eternal

1-15-18 -- Band was blah. Worked a few U.S. stations and JA1MSS at my sunrise 56/57.
1-28-18 -- ssssssshhu!  (sound of the last air being let out of 75m DX in the mornings)
2-3-18 -- Finally, some DX not from JA that I could hear.  Phil and I worked Graham, VK3GA at 20 min. before sunrise. No radar, but could not copy other VK3 at sunrise. Abe, JA1MSS surprised me with a 59 signal at 5 min. after sunrise...the best signal from him in many weeks.
2-10-18 -- Same o, same o; JA1MSS was the only DX and my path to JA was weeeak!  3x7 both ways.  No propagation and apparently no interest by DX stations.
2/11/18 -- JA path is gone in HP!
2/12/18 -- SAD conditions!
2/13/18 -- Finally! A decent path to Peter, VK6APZ just after his sundown and 20 minutes before my sunrise.  5x8 both ways.
2/15/18 -- Hot path to JA this morning.  Several stations at 10/9 before sunrise.  First real opening to JA in weeks!
2-19-18 -- Back to very poor conditions. JA1MSS 3x6 /3x6 at my sunrise. Abe was weaker with Barry in TX as well.
2-21-18 -- Really poor conditions plus heavy QRN from a line of storms from TX to Quebec.  JA1MSS very weak in my noise at 5 min. after sunrise (peak).
2-23-18 -- RADAR loud...'shame' of China
2-24-18 -- Poor band..JA1MSS 47/47 @ 5 min after sunsrise.  

Monday, January 8, 2018

Missing DX Stations

1-8-2018 -- Where have all of the DX stations gone?  The last 2 mornings have been a total washout.  It is truly ironic that the only 2 new DX stations that I have worked in several weeks were both BH4 stations from China ... the land of the evening OTH Radar!  (Early morning in Panama and the U.S.)  I do believe that the #$%^&! Chinese have ruined the 75m DX Window from 1000 - 1200Z or later every day!!!  Poor Abe, JA1MSS, tries but cannot copy much due to the *&^%$# radar.  I guess that the only solution is to get Trump to tweet about it.
1-9-18 -- No radar, but no one trying...until after my sunrise.
1-10-18 -- Abe worked Phil & Barry, but only 2 x ESP with me.
1-11-18 -- No DX except Abe working Phil.  However, there was ENTERTAINMENT in the form of sniping on the DX cluster by people who should know better.  It looked like a "tweet storm" from the 'child-in-charge'.  Personally, I would need a much stronger signal to see anything outside of the 3 kHz normal bandwidth.  One advantage of an SDR receiver is that it does not show trash if it is not present...unless of course the ADC is overloaded. That takes something like -23 dBm (50/S9) and shows as a warning in the rx window.  Then it is simple enough to add attenuation before the rx antenna input (not in the later stages).
1-12-18 -- RADAR
1-13-18 -- No radar, band open, worked 2 JA & heard DS3EXX, but he had QRM from YB calling "contest".  *&%^$#@! 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year to All!

1-1-2018 --  It took the "sunrise" bump of 2-3 dB and the help of patient friends who stood by for almost 10 minutes, but I was able to work BH4SYG @ 3x3 both ways.  I suspect that he was hearing me better than that, as he had been patiently trying for the contact for 20 minutes.  NOW (2nd 80m contact) HRD logbook shows that I have worked China on 80.