MUF - Sunlight

Monday, January 15, 2018

Hope Springs Eternal

1-15-18 -- Band was blah. Worked a few U.S. stations and JA1MSS at my sunrise 56/57.
1-28-18 -- ssssssshhu!  (sound of the last air being let out of 75m DX in the mornings)
2-3-18 -- Finally, some DX not from JA that I could hear.  Phil and I worked Graham, VK3GA at 20 min. before sunrise. No radar, but could not copy other VK3 at sunrise. Abe, JA1MSS surprised me with a 59 signal at 5 min. after sunrise...the best signal from him in many weeks.
2-10-18 -- Same o, same o; JA1MSS was the only DX and my path to JA was weeeak!  3x7 both ways.  No propagation and apparently no interest by DX stations.
2/11/18 -- JA path is gone in HP!
2/12/18 -- SAD conditions!
2/13/18 -- Finally! A decent path to Peter, VK6APZ just after his sundown and 20 minutes before my sunrise.  5x8 both ways.
2/15/18 -- Hot path to JA this morning.  Several stations at 10/9 before sunrise.  First real opening to JA in weeks!
2-19-18 -- Back to very poor conditions. JA1MSS 3x6 /3x6 at my sunrise. Abe was weaker with Barry in TX as well.
2-21-18 -- Really poor conditions plus heavy QRN from a line of storms from TX to Quebec.  JA1MSS very weak in my noise at 5 min. after sunrise (peak).
2-23-18 -- RADAR loud...'shame' of China
2-24-18 -- Poor band..JA1MSS 47/47 @ 5 min after sunsrise.  

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