Well, my turn in the black hole of propagation. I heard K7FX work HL5FUA on 3796 this morning at 1105Z. However, I called Choi many times and he simply could not hear me. 😒 This doesn't happen often often with a kw and 3 element phased array!
Some good news from Barry, W9UCW. He is now married again after the loss of his wonderful wife Joyce. His new bride Linda is also a ham, W5TRV. Congratulations to both of them. Now, we just need him to put some SWR grease on his antennas and get back on the air.
I am (still) in the process of rebuilding my operating console after a complete tear down and cleaning. I am maybe 85% finished. I am able to operate the new (for me) Anan 100D and the ALS-1306 amp with all antennas again. The Icom 756 P3 is also operational. I still need to untangle all of the complicated wiring for the old Angelia board, outboard 50 watt amp and the many sma relays required to make it work. The 3 Drake l-4B amps are still not connected. I also need to rebuild my ground bus for all of the equipment.
73 for now, Jay, HP3AK