I have not been on 75 / 160m every morning. However I have been on enough to know that conditions are still bad in Panama. Yesterday I heard a VK on 3793 but could not raise him. He gave one of the regular VE stations a 10/9. I did work Stu, ZL2XC yesterday just before 1100Z on 3797. He has been on a job, working all over the world the past several months.
I do hope that Linda, W5TRV can prod her OM Barry, W9UCW to get his repaired receive array relocated and rewired. I miss them on 75m in the mornings.
Two different 5K0 stations in San Andres & Providencia were active on FT8 this morning. I worked them on 160m and 30m for new "countries" on both bands.
I anyone is still reading this, drop me an email: hp3ak@jaymills.org
73, Jay, HP3AK