MUF - Sunlight

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday Morning

W6UC was working stations in the North & South Pacific as usual.  However, there was no path from TX or Panama to JA1MSS.  Abe was there, but the (China ?) radar was too strong for him to copy.  He was below the (usual) noise in Panama.  No one answered our CQ toward VK/ZL.

HP3AK, W9MK, and W9UCW ended up on 7142.5 and worked a few stations.  VK2SR was booming through at 10-15 over S9 with his 2 element "shorty-forty" beam.  W9MK was running his high-tower vertical, W9UCW was on his 565 ft. horizontal loop today with 500 watts, and I was running my 2 el. "ZL Special" beam with linear-loaded elements.

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