75m was somewhat quieter this morning in Panama. My sidekick, W9UCW came on after going outside with Buster, the puppy. Some of the real DX stations that we worked on 3.796 were: VK2SR, 6Y5TR, JA1MSS, and JG3VWI. W6UC was working many more JA stations after my sunrise.
QRM was thoughtfully provided by KP4 stations (in Florida ??) on 3.800 that were 4 kHz wide...refugees from 3.803, their usual frequency. BTW, 3.803 is still very troublesome for JA stations who have a very narrow frequency window from 3.791 to 3.805! If it were not for the KP4 stations, General Class hams and others from the U.S. could work JA on 3.804 or 3.805 in the mornings.
75m dipoles or inverted V antennas below 40 or 50 feet generally are NOT good for being heard by DX stations..
GM Jay, I thought you were just "pontificating". No response necessary. Your antenna is working. 1.5 s-units difference when pointed south. North two directions were not much difference to me. Have a good Monday!
GM Jay is it Monday and here we are again. Your antenna is working as you can null me out. That is the purpose, isn't it. LOL Dogs do make you live longer as you stated this AM. Although a few friends have had injuries from getting tangled in leashes. Be careful out there. Dog's also increase dialog in the home. Did you feed the dog. Why is he acting so funny today. ETC. Quiet here today. Resting S-meter reading is now s-5. Crashes to S-7 no Dx this morning except you Jay. 73
This is a test!
SORRY everyone. The site was not configured correctly to handle your comment(s). Now I should receive them via email and will approve them as soon as possible ... unless they are SPAM, in which case they go into trash immediately. 73, Jay (No need to send them twice, or even 3 times.)
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