MUF - Sunlight

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Search Continues...

Monday,10/30/17 -- Just Phil & I, but no DX
Tuesday, 10/31/17 -- Usual suspects, W6UC, W9UCW, KK5PL & HP3AK.  The 2 other real DX stations were very weak in Panama and only JA was readable in TX.  John, VK2WEO was on briefly @45 in HP and Abe, JA1MSS was only 35 in HP.  Not too much QRN here, although I could see lightning bolts to the south in the Pacific.
Wednesday, 11/1/17 -- KK5PL, Woody and W6UC were on early holding down 3796.  We all tried, and tried, and tried calling DX, but no answers.  I gave one WD8 station his first contact with Panama.  The band was poor to bad and the China dragon was active.  JA1MSS reported that the radar was S9+10.  NOTE:  I went to 40m after sunrise and made my first 2 contacts, ever, on FT8. First was KN4LOL because I double clicked on the wrong call.  My second ever contact on FT8 was...4S7AB - wow! Being a newbie to FT8, I ran a full kw on the 4S7AB contact and got a +00 report.  I am now told that I could have made the contact very well with 17 dB less signal (that's 20 watts folks).  Shame on me.  👀☺
Thursday, 11/2/17 -- 75m was quiet, but no one home.  I worked John, VK2WEO who was 47 due to weak band.
Friday, 11/3/17 -- radar & noise...a bust!
Saturday, 11/4/17 -- Very high QRN in HP.  I chatted with Mike, W9MK briefly on the Internet.  We both went off to 40m, he to CW & myself to FT8.  I worked a couple of stations on FT8, including NL8F, my friend Tim in Dutch Harbor, AK.  I could have worked dozens or hundreds of stations on FT8 if I had stayed around until the band closed.  Many were calling and many were rude, calling while I was in contact with someone else. WHY??
Sunday, 11/5/17 -- Daylight savings ended, noise was high, radar was strong in JA, no answers to my CQ DX, nor did I hear an response to W6UC. Backscatter from Phil was back up to normal.

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